
Bio :
MOSTRE COLLETTIVE, MOSTRE PERSONALI, PUBBLICAZIONI 2014, Arte ed Evoluzione, complesso museale Rocca Paolina, Perugia, Italia. 2014, Arte e Poesia Accademia Dei Bronzi, Catanzaro, Italia 2014, Salone del libro, Torino, Italia 2015, Casa Abruzzo Expò, Milano, Italia 2015, Museo di Villa Breda, Padova, Italia 2015, Città D’Este, Padova, Italia 2015, Premio...
Bio :
Alberto Magrin studied architecture at the University of Genoa. He underwent a brief stint in the theatre after having obtained a scholarship to study alongside sculptor Arnaldo Pomodoro at University of Urbino. He was awarded the 'Libertas Prize' for visual arts and literature by MP Ferri and collaborated in the...