Terms for the DeSidera International Contemporary Art Prize

The Associazione Culturale IL SESTANTE (hereafter called A.C.I.S.), as part of the Festival DeSidera, will present a prize with the formula of the competition for artists to enhance and promote Contemporary Art.
The prize aims to select the upcoming artists who will take part in the Festival exhibitions and provide visibility to their creative research.
The A.C.I.S. also wants to create a connection between artists, enthusiasts and professionals in the sector through the organization of workshops and events.
Artists from all nations over the age of 18 years old at registration are eligible to participate. The subject of the work is free.
The fundamental selection criteria will be based on research, quality and originality of the works (artworks previously published are also accepted).
Art. 3 The competition is divided into four sections:
Artworks made using any technique, media and support: oil, acrylic, gouache, watercolour, paint, enamel, spray, ink, graphite, charcoal, pen, Indian ink, copper engraving, woodcut, linocut, silk-screen printing, lithography. Maximum size allowed 120 x 150 cm.
Analogic, digital photographs and digitally processed images, works entirely created using the computer and works by photographic source, on any media (paper, metal, glass, stone, plastics, films, etc.)
Maximum size allowed: 120 x 150 cm.
Videos, films, slow motion, time-lapse, and works realized with all animation techniques, on any digital or analogic media; short movies, promotional and computer graphics short films.
Performances staged by one or more artists with any form of expression (artists must supply all the support materials). The maximum duration is 15 minutes.
Artists must submit the video files to the following email address: info@Festivaldesidera.com. Files must not exceed 500Mb in size.
To enroll for free you will need to upload in the personal dedicated area at least one frame of each submitted video.
Works realized using any type of material, with audio, light and video supports (artists must supply all the support materials). Maximum size allowed: 200 x 200 x 300 cm of height. There are no total weight limits (maximum permitted weight for each monobloc: 80 kg).
Artists can apply in more than one section by paying the membership fee only once.
By June 13, 2021, artists can apply free of charge by filling the online form they can find on our website www.festivaldesidera.com under the heading Registration – Send your application. Subsequently, candidates must upload and send images of their works.
A video tutorial for the proper completion of the form is available on the same page. In this area, you need to upload the images of your works and a Curriculum Vitae. Uploaded images shall be less than 1M and the CV file smaller than 2M.
For the video art, short films and performance art section, candidates need to upload a frame taken from every single work presented and send the video using Wetransfer and similar to the email address info@festivaldesidera.com., by specifying surname and name of the artist, title, year and technique.
At this stage, no payment is required.
The jury panel, coordinated by the award curators, will evaluate and shortlist the free submitted artworks. If passing the pre-selection phase, artists earn the right to participate in the festival events, compete for the prizes and benefit from reduced rates to participate in the joint events and workshops (a complete list of workshops is available on the dedicated page of the website).
The registration fee is requested only to artists who have already passed the pre-selection and will thus obtain a guarantee to take part in the festival events.
Non selected artists will not be able to reapply for the same edition of the prize.
The selected artists will receive a confirmation email with login credentials for entering their personal account. After logging in, artists will choose how many and which works to register among those submitted in the application and pre-selection phase. On this page, there is a video tutorial for the correct loading of images. Images must be less than 5 MB in size and in high resolution (300 dpi).
Please, remember to name it as follows before uploading the file: surname-name-work title-year-technique-measures (use only a dash between words).
Only after the pre-selection stage has passed, with the guarantee of participation in the festival events, selected artists will be asked to pay the registration fee.
For artists who sign up 10 works, up to 3 works could be selected for the exhibitions.
See Art. 8 for details of the registration costs.
The shipment of the selected artworks will be scheduled at a later time.
The winning works will be announced at the award ceremony (October 26, 2021).
The judging panel, consisting of 12 expert members, will evaluate the submitted works, selecting those to be exhibited at the festival.
The absolute winner and the winners in each section will be announced during the award ceremony. Thirteen special prizes will be awarded on this occasion.
The decisions of the Jury are final and cannot be appealed.
The prizes are divided as follows:
4 prizes for the winners in every section: total value of € 1.000 (*) each.
Overall prize of the festival: total value of € 4.000 (total amount € 5.000: section winner + overall prize).
Only the overall prize is subordinated to the purchase of the work by the A.C.I.S.
(*) with the exception of any taxes under current laws (awards recipients are responsible for any import taxes or levies payable on receipt of the awards in their own country).
SPECIAL AWARDS (for artists submitting at least 3 works):
The commission will award 8 artists with the Special Prize “DeSidera”.
The project concerns the creation of an exhibition tailored to each artist to highlight, from time to time, the personal artistic search of each winner.
To make the project successful, the Associazione Il Sestante will consider and make available any resource at its disposal, such as exhibitions, publications, contemporary art fairs and digital events.
Special prize for an artist born after January 1st,1991.
“SOLO EXHIBITION” PRIZES (for artists submitting at least 10 works):
The commission will award 4 artists with a solo exhibition which will take place in a partner gallery.
For each exhibition, a bilingual Italian/English catalogue containing a description of the festival, photographic materials, and a description of the works with relevant texts will be available.
Every selected artist will receive a free copy of the catalogue and will be entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of extra copies.
The website will provide a free, low-resolution digital version.
Art. 8 – REGISTRATION FEE (after the pre-selection phase)
To enter the DeSidera Prize selected artist must pay a membership fee of 50 euros plus a participation fee divided as follows:
1 work: 60 euros (guarantees a discount of 50% on professional workshops).
3 works: 90 euros (guarantees a discount of 60% on professional workshops; submitting at least 3 works gives the right to compete for the Special Prizes).
From 4 up to 10 works: 110 euros (guarantees a discount of 70% on professional workshops; to compete also for the Solo Exhibition artists must submit at least 10 works).
NOTE: artists in every section applying with at least 3 works will compete for the Special Prizes, while artists submitting 10 works will compete for the Solo Exhibition as well (see art. 7).
Artworks submitted can be registered in different sections (see FAQ).
Membership to the ACIS is valid until 31/12/2021 and is not subject to the automatic renewal.
The payment must be made in Euros, net of any bank fees, commissions or other charges or costs.
The amount paid is no way refundable. Besides, it is possible to enroll in more than one section by paying the membership fee just once.
Passed the pre-selection phase, artists will receive a confirmation email indicating the payment methods available:
Secure payment ON-LINE PAYPAL: payment directly to associazioneilsestante@gmail.com
Pay attention: if the credit card, or the prepaid card, is not registered to the artist, it is mandatory to send an email to associazioneilsestante@gmail.com, specifying the cardholder and the participating artist.
Bank transfer: Banca Etica, agency of TRIESTE
IBAN: IT68M0501802200000011638046 – Bic/Swift: CCRTIT2T84A
In the name of: Associazione Culturale IL SESTANTE
Reason of the transfer: “artist’s name and surname – DESIDERA 2021”.
It will be artists’ responsibility to ship or personally deliver every selected artwork. Artworks shall be framed and/or provided with everything necessary, ready to be displayed; in case those instructions are not followed artworks will not be displayed.
Artists are solely responsible for all arrangements and transportation fees connected to shipping to and from the A.C.I.S. and for insuring the artworks while they are in transit.
The A.C.I.S. will take care of artworks’ displacement from one exhibition site to another.
ART. 10 STEPS AND DEADLINESSunday, June 13, 2021: closing date for applications. ( New DEADLINE July, 11th 2021 )
Saturday, September 25, 2021: Opening of the Festival.
From 25 September to 7 November 2021: Opening of the exhibitions to the public.
Saturday, October 23, 2021: Award Ceremony for the winners.
The Associazione Culturale IL SESTANTE, while ensuring the utmost care and custody of the works, disclaims any responsibility for any theft, fire or any kind damage to the works that may occur during the stages of the event. Any insurance request must be signed by the artist himself and at his expense.
Each candidate authorizes the Associazione Culturale IL SESTANTE and its legal representatives to process personal data according to Law 675/96 (Italian Privacy Law), as amended Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code), also for inclusion in databases operated by the persons in question. Each entrant grants for free to the Associazione Culturale IL SESTANTE and to its legal representatives the right to reproduce the works and texts related to the award, to draft the catalogue, to promote the prize and the activities of the A.C.I.S. Any material sent for the submission will not be returned. The A.C.I.S. Organizational Direction reserves the right of final decision regarding all items not specified in this announcement. The Organizational Direction also reserves the right to change the Terms if and when the need arises; all changes will be notified on the website portal www.desiderafestival.com.
Membership and participation in the competition imply the unconditional acceptance of all the terms mentioned above.
This document has been drawn up in Italian (official version) and thereafter translated into other languages. In the event of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the Italian official version and any other language versions of this publication, the Italian version shall prevail.
This translation has no legal status.